#SpeechTherapy| Healing through forgiveness|Part 4| with Jewel Taylor!

Hey there BCU Family!

We are in our final installment of our Healing Through Forgiveness with the amazing Jewel Taylor! A few weeks back, Jewel joined us on our weekly Bible study live on Periscope (Thursdays @ 8:05pm EST on channel BlenCouragesU), to talk us through how to heal through forgiving. Last time we were together we started talking about how Joseph, from the book of Genesis REALLY had to forgive and heal with all his family and others put him through.

Jewel and fam
Jewel hanging with her kids!

This time, Jewel finishes up Joseph’s story and  highlights the tragic events in Joseph’s life and how he remained faithful and forgave through everything!  The study notes are below, so feel free to print and make any other notations you’d like! Finally, if you need the notes in a nifty PDF format, just email us (Blen@Blencouragesu.com), and we can make it happen! Click on the icon below and be blessed!


#forgiveness: FROM JONAH TO JOSEPH

Why is Joseph’s story an integral part of forgiveness? Joseph is one of the best examples, besides Christ, of forgiveness. The pain he endured at the hands of his blood family became the launching pad of blessing for nations.

Jonah still had issues with the extent of God’s grace and forgiveness in his story, therefore we do not have final resolution for forgiveness from Jonah’s heart in the Bible. However, once we have gone through the steps of forgiveness, our end goal is to become like Joseph. Enduring, forgiving, wise and generous despite our past, hurts and experiences. Life is cyclical and we will experience hurt more than one time and in different and varying forms. Our job is to remember what Joseph went through and use him as encouragement that no matter what we face, we can endure, forgive and move forward triumphantly.

Joseph was born to the favorite wife of the patriarch Israel as the 11th of his sons. Though Joseph was one of the youngest, he was favored in his father’s view so much, that it drove his older brothers to deadly jealousy. Joseph was also favored by God (Gen. 37:6-8) and when he told his family what the Lord had showed him, the hatred from his brothers reached its boiling point.

After being used several times by his father to spy on his brothers’ behavior, his brothers conspired to kill him (Gen. 37:18). They ended up sparing his life and selling him into slavery to a passing merchants who ended up selling him into the house of the captain of the guard of Egypt (Gen. 37:28-36). From there Joseph:

 Excelled (Gen. 39:1-6)
 Was wrongfully accused/framed (Gen. 39:7-20)
 Served diligently in prison (Gen. 39:21-23)
 Blessed others while in prison (Gen. 40:1-22)
 Had his good deeds forgotten (Gen. 40:23)
 Blessed Pharaoh (41:1-39)
 Is blessed and set on high by Pharaoh (Gen. 41:40-46)
 Blessed the nation of Egypt (Gen. 41:47-49)
 Received increase (Gen. 41:48-57)
 Proved his brothers love (Gen. 42-44)
 Blessed his family and ultimately the nation of Israel (Gen. 45-47)

Joseph did not allow his negative experiences/past to stop him from working to his full potential in God. Joseph never withheld his gifts because of the trauma nor did he give with respect of person. He used his gifts for those in prison as well as the palace.

This is the will of God. That we heal by forgiving those in our lives who have offended us or hurt us. We must forgive each and every person diligently from our hearts as prescribed in Matt. 18:35. Though all manner of ill-will was shown to Joseph, there is no mention of his retaliation or his unwillingness to serve in whatever capacity he was afforded. Joseph understood that what had happened to him was for God’s purpose.

If we knew everything God had set aside for us to do ahead of time, we probably wouldn’t take one step in the journey. God has fashioned each and every one of us through our various experiences to get our hearts and minds to the point he deems necessary to execute his will. Therefore we must live our lives forgiving, healing and ready to forgive again, knowing that the trials that we face build our character and impact a greater story.

And there you have it, BCU Family! Jewel shared with us that her husband, Richard preached a sermon “It hurt, but it worked”, meaning that ALL the things that God allows to happen in our lives is really to serve God’s purpose. With His grace, we need to go through it, learn from it and to apply those lessons in our lives.

I trust this series was a blessing to and challenges all of us (myself included) to be a doer of the Word ( James 1:22) in forgiveness and in ALL areas of our lives with the help of the Lord.

Thank you SO much for tuning in, liking, subscribing, commenting, sharing and encouraging us to continue to encourage you. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest posts, classes and whatever the Lord inspires us to do! In the meantime, may God bless and keep you! #StayOnTheWall!









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Just an average girl. Saved by and serving an AWESOME God who assigned me to help encourage His people to #StayOnTheWall.

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