A lesson from the leaves


Hey BCU Family,

As usual, you have the option of listening to our podcast (click the BCU avatar below to listen), reading the notes or BOTH. In any case, we pray the podcast blesses you. If so, please thumbs up or leave a comment! Thank you and enjoy your study!

As we fully transition into autumn especially in New England, (my mind is still in August, though :-)), the brilliance of the colors of the leaves changing and falling to the ground is a timely reminder from Solomon: “to everything there is a season and a time and purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiates 3:1). Yes, we’ve likely heard this before–it’s just that God so beautifully demonstrates this in our lives at this time of year.

A tree has no brain, thinking or decision-making capacity in any way–only what God has told it to do, which is let go of the leaves as they die off.

How this applies to us: God has made us in His own image and likeness, giving us the ability to think, reason and make our own decisions. Now, He has supplied us with the Word of God and His Holy Spirit (for those who have the Acts 2:38 experience) to guide us in the decision making process, but ultimately we do get to make choices, good or bad. It is ALWAYS wise to heed the voice of God in our decision-making–this way the outcome is 100% perfect.

The leaves are pretty, but can also be deadly…

So, as  your relationship with Christ grows and you hear His voice, when God urges us to let go of the “dead leaves”,  with His help, LET THEM GO!  Dead leaves can come in a variety of ways–maybe it’s time to walk away from that job, a toxic relationship, or telling that able-bodied, freeloading relative you will no longer support them. Nothing in those areas? What about the fear of walking in your calling, witnessing about Christ, a bad habit, (cutting people off when talking,  habitually tardy, angering quickly), a weakness, (seeking comfort in illicit company or going to the wrong types of places, worrying) or whatever “crutch” (excessive shopping, over-eating)–you may have. You all get what I mean, right? We do not have to wait until October to let go, mind you, this is a good time to examine ourselves through the Word of God’s microscope  or just ASK the Lord what needs to be let go of–trust me, HE WILL tell you!

And once we know, it’s our duty with His help to lay aside EVERY dead weight and/or sin (Hebrews 12:1), that will slow you down, trip you up or outright attack you.  Ask God to help you see WHY you want to hold on to something He is asking you to turn loose.  The answer may come right away or later on—just be prepared for the answer! Let’s take a look at an example.

Many years ago, in my B.C. (before Christ) days, for years I dated a “great” guy, we’ll call “Sam” (just to protect his identity). Sam and I were talking marriage. For some reason,  my heart was very unsettled about getting married, but kept planning. I don’t recall the exact sequence of events, but one thing led to another where we broke things off.  I was devastated and hurt, but that break-up led me to the alter where I was filled with the Holy Ghost. Apparently, the Lord knew Sam was not the person for me (and BOY, did I find that out later–YIKES!) Thank God for His protection!

But even after being saved and understanding God’s providence, He was urging me to let go of  the friendship with Sam–period. MAN, that struggle was REAL–it was really hard to let all that love and history. But, eventually with the grace of God, I walked away from it and have not looked back. While I could never accurately predict what would have happened if I had continued holding on the “Sam season”, I’d like to think that I would not have gone as many places, done as many neat things as God has allowed and would have NEVER been as obedient or effective in my Christ-walk, gifts and talents. Glory to God!

While we do not need a change of seasons to remind us to let go of things, we can use the leaves effortlessly falling from the trees as a reminder to trust that when God says drop it, He means it and for good reason. While new growth is dormant for a season, hold on for the new growth/spring coming in your life.

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it?”….(Isaiah 43:19a).

Amen? Amen.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If this was a blessing to you, please comment below and share it with someone–you’ll never know how the Lord may use you to encourage someone else! And if you have not done so, please like BlenCouragesU on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram!  And PLEASE subscribe to the podcast on Stitcher Radio , Google Play, and iTunes! 

Until we are together again, may God bless, keep and make His face to shine upon you—-and #StayOnTheWall!





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Just an average girl. Saved by and serving an AWESOME God who assigned me to help encourage His people to #StayOnTheWall.

2 thoughts on “A lesson from the leaves

  1. Great podcast/post!
    There are many dead leaves in my life! This was a great encouragement to let God take them out my life.
    Thank you for sharing this!

    God Bless

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there!

    Thank mucho for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    And we praise God for Him blessing you through the post–many times we’ve been holding onto things for so long, we don’t even realize it. Time to bag up those leaves and given them to Jesus to deal with! Glory!!!

    God bless you richly and please come by again!


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