BCU podcast-100 celebration talk: Being “too deep” and family matters.

Hey 👋🏾 there BCU Family!

Typically, you have the option of listening to our podcast, reading the notes or both. For this post, because of the interview, please tune into the podcast recording. We pray the post blesses and encourages you.  If so, please thumbs up or leave a comment! Thank you and enjoy the post!

The BCU 100-podcast celebration-conversation continues where I answer your questions, proctored by my fellow teacher, sister and friend, Jewel Taylor. Let’s run down what we’ve talked about so far:

In our 100th podcast we talked about the beginning of the BCU ministry.

 In our second installment, we talked about what was difficult about the keeping the ministry going and started talking about the Dispensations. 

In our third segment, we ended up talking/teaching about how steward over our time properly, and that talked continued into the our fourth segment.

In segment 5, we chatted through The Dispensation of Promise, talk about the erroneous mindset behind “claiming” the blessings of Abraham and the importance of keeping your treasures in Heaven.

Last time, we continue our conversation and highlight heart treasures, debt and who we really work for.

This round, we interrupt our Dispensation conversation and explore if people can be “too deep” and how saved parents balance raising unsaved children. Now, the reason for that, BCU Fam, is during our conversation, a reference to Halloween came up, and as we are days away from October 31, I thought it prudent to have the BCU Family listen in.

Please click below for the podcast and drop us a line give us your thoughts on the content! Also, please stay tuned to the BlenCouragesU social media accounts (located below) for our giveaways the week of October 23-October 31, 2017.

As a reminder, we are planning to answer all questions, so please, keep BlenCouragesU.com close by notification-wise, as we’re planning to continue this series throughout the month of October and the beginning of November.

Have you become part of the BCU family? All you need to do us subscribe to BlenCouragesU.com. Subscribing is free and this is a good place to get the encouragement, inspiration and information based the Word of God! Additionally, you can also see what we are up to on Facebook, Twitter Instagram, and  YouTube! You can also listen in and subscribe to the podcast on Stitcher Radio , Google Play, and iTunes!

Thank you SO much for stopping by and being a part of the celebration!  God bless, keep and make His face to shine upon you as you #StayOnTheWall!



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Just an average girl. Saved by and serving an AWESOME God who assigned me to help encourage His people to #StayOnTheWall.

8 thoughts on “BCU podcast-100 celebration talk: Being “too deep” and family matters.

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