Series: The called according to His purpose (part 2 )

Hey BCU family,

Please enjoy the condensed audio podcast (by clicking on the icon below), read through written format or do both! Be encouraged in the Lord!

Last time,  we talked about being grounded (attached to the Foundation—Jesus) and ROOTED (having deepness) in WHO God says we are, rather than being tossed about with what the world, the adversary, TV, “Bubba and dem” and anyone else says contrary to Word of God. We explored part of Romans 8, which reminded us we were:

1)No condemnation
2)Walkers in the Spirit
3)Sons/Children of God
4)We are heirs/join heirs yet we suffer
5)And in all of that, we are the CALLED according to His purpose.

God called/summoned/appointed YOU out to and chose this life, situation, issue, blessing, family, friends, job, neighborhood, church, co-workers, skin tone, personality, gifts, talents, everything for a deliberate result that pleases Him. For it is God what works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).  With the grace of God, we need to embrace the plan God has for us…it’s MUCH better than any plan we could come up with ourselves.

So looking at verses 29-30, God says, He knew us and chose or called us to be conformed in Christ’s image. That takes some SERIOUS suffering in the flesh–for us to mortify the deeds of the flesh. But God marked us out before hand, justified (acquitted or freed us from condemnation) and glorified (honored/exalted) us to a glorious rank or position in Him.
So God calls us…

6) Called/chosen
7) Justified
8) Glorified

Verse 31-32—it’s like Paul says with all of this—what else can we say except NOW—We have God on our side!!! ONE is a majority with God. The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord…HE turns hearts the way HE wants to (Proverbs 21:1). HE in in control..we are His children and He is for us.  Additionally, He didn’t spare Jesus—delivered Him up for us so we can freely receive all things.

9) Verses  33-34 remind us again, that we are justified/acquitted. No one can charge us with anything—we are free from condemnation.

10) God calls us loved. Verse 35 declares, “who can separate us from the love of Christ? These storms in verse 35, does not change God’s love for us, nor should it change our love for Him.  Psalms 44 and Romans 8: 36 says we killed all day—accounted as sheep for the slaughter—we walk in the Spirit, laying our flesh down and doing what God says—We are led by the Spirit of God and yes, that can be TRYING. But the next verse offers us is a fixed fight!

11) In verse 37, God calls us more than conquerors (prevail mightily) through Christ who loved us! YES!!!!!

On top of that Paul ends his letter with confirming NO situation—death, life, angels, principalities, things present, to come, height, depth or any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

The LOVE bond is strong and because of the love, we are able to stand in the times of the storm—knowing all things are working for what? For good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. His intended outcome!

Let’s review….who does God say we are?

No condemnation
Walkers in the Spirit
Sons/ Children of God
We are heirs/join heirs
We suffer
We are called
More than conquerors

BCU Family, this concludes part 2 of our “The called” study. I pray that this Word take root in your heart and keep you upright in the days ahead.  Join us next time for part 3, where we take a look at 1 Peter chapter 2:9 where we continue to study who God says we are.
Thank you for tuning in and sharing, may God bless you, and until the next time we’re together, #StayOnTheWall.



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Just an average girl. Saved by and serving an AWESOME God who assigned me to help encourage His people to #StayOnTheWall.

10 thoughts on “Series: The called according to His purpose (part 2 )

    1. Hey Ellie! Wow…to God be the GLORY–that just makes my heart SO happy! Thank you for stopping by to listen, read and encourage my is so needful and very appreciated! xoxoxoxoxo


  1. […] us that “..we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬). While the individual situations that happen in our lives may not […]


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